Party Resolutions

Resolution 2005-003: Permanent Protection of the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)

Sponsored by: Wendy Kroger Approved: 04/24/2005


A RESOLUTION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF OREGON regarding the Permanent Protection of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

WHEREAS, as one of the world’s last true wildernesses and the last piece of America’s Arctic coastline not already open to oil exploration, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is our greatest reminder that conserving nature in its wild state is one of America’s core values;

WHEREAS, U.S. Geological Survey recent projections of the amount of oil in the Refuge are substantially lower than earlier estimates — less than a single year’s supply for the U.S., and it would not reach the market for at least 10 years; further, the oil sits not in a single reservoir but is scattered in 30 or more small pools, requiring a vast network of roads and pipelines to develop it, fragmenting habitat and disturbing and displacing wildlife;

WHEREAS, limiting reliance on foreign oil imports and creating a sustainable long-range energy policy based on conservation and renewable energy resources is a realistic national security objective;

WHEREAS, increasing U.S. auto mileage standards to 40 mpg would save more oil than is currently imported from the Persian Gulf or could ever be taken out of the Arctic National Wildlife refuge – combined;

WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress has legislative responsibility for actions pertaining to the Refuge, and it must decide whether or not to open the coastal plain for possible oil development;

WHEREAS, protection of the Refuge and other fragile off-shore areas in perpetuity is in the best public interest of Oregonians and all Americans now and for future generations;


Section 1. To make known to policymakers and legislators at all levels that we hold them accountable now for the political solutions necessary to meet tomorrow’s energy needs while protecting clean air, pure water, wildlife and wild places on our beautiful planet Earth;

Section 2. To support immediate national, state and local efforts and funding to promote energy conservation and efficiency;

Section 3. To support the immediate development and use of alternative renewable energy resources;

Section 4. To address issues of global warming now because its impact is being felt first and most devastatingly in the Arctic and along our coastal areas.

Section 5. To hold Oregon’s Senators and Representatives accountable to vote against oil drilling in the Refuge and other fragile off-shore areas and to protect them from exploitation.

ADOPTED by the Democratic Party of Oregon on 24th day of April, 2005.

Resolution submitted by Wendy Kroger, Washington County.

Platform and Resolutions Committee recommends adoption.

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Resolution 2005-005: Standards for Secure and Open Federal Elections and Appointing an Elections Liaison