Party Resolutions

Resolution 2005-005: Standards for Secure and Open Federal Elections and Appointing an Elections Liaison

Sponsored by: Deb Whitcomb Approved: 07/16/2005


A RESOLUTION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF OREGON regarding the Adoption of Standards for Conducting Secure and Open Federal Elections, and Appointing an Elections Liaison

Whereas elections issues are a current and ongoing matter of importance to our democracy and our Democratic ideals; and

Whereas questions have been raised, by members of the four largest political parties in the United States, about the credibility of our current voting systems; and

Whereas current legislation pending in the Houses of Congress addressing these issues is deserving of our support;

The Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO) Resolves to:

Support federal legislation to restore the credibility of our democracy.

We find essential to that purpose the inclusion of

* voter-verified paper ballots that serve as the official record,

* multi-partisan chain of custody and supervision for all ballots once received by the elections office,

* mandatory audits based on standard statistical sampling methods,

* security against electronic tampering, whether local or remote,

* other safeguards included in our legislative agenda, in HR 550, and in S 450,

* immediate limitations on the acquisition of new systems that do not provide for these safeguards, and

* full federal funding of the above.

The DPO further resolves that the state chair shall appoint an elections liaison, to be available for consultation with our elected officials and their staff on matters of election policy.

ADOPTED by the Democratic Party of Oregon on the 16th day of July, 2005.

Resolution submitted by Deborah Whitcomb, Multnomah County.

This resolution ties to the Government and Political Reform plank of the Oregon Democratic Party Platform.

Platform and Resolutions Committee recommends adoption.

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Resolution 2005-008: Preservation of Constitutional Rights