UPDATE: Buehler’s hypocrisy on tax issues raises questions
PORTLAND — Following yesterday’s call for the leading GOP gubernatorial candidates to publicly disclose their taxes, Democrats are calling out former presumed front-runner Knute Buehler for hypocritical messages on personal tax issues.
In as statement released by Buehler’s campaign earlier this week, Buehler attacked fellow candidate Sam Carpenter, saying "If Oregonians can't trust Carpenter to manage his own taxes, how can they trust him to manage theirs?"
Meanwhile, Buehler’s campaign is refusing to make his own taxes available to the public.
“Knute Buehler is panicking,” said Jeanne Atkins, Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon. “His recent attack ads are doing as much harm as good. If he thinks his opponent should be held accountable for a supposed tax issue, why is he hiding his own taxes from the public?”