Press Releases

Oregon Republican Party is the party of Donald Trump

May 06, 2018

For Immediate Release
Contact: Molly Woon
(503) 367-4327
press [at] dpo [dot] org
May 6, 2018


Oregon Republican Party is the party of Donald Trump


PORTLAND — While Republicans like Rep. Knute Buehler try to distance themselves from Donald Trump’s damaging agenda, the reality is clear: the Oregon GOP is Donald Trump’s party.


During this primary election, Buehler, fellow gubernatorial hopefuls Sam Carpenter and Greg Wooldridge and BOLI candidate Lou Ogden have worked to out-Trump each other.


First Sam Carpenter got in the race to “Make Oregon Great Again.”


Then Lou Ogden signed on.


All three gubernatorial candidates refused to release their tax returns.


And now Knute Buehler is so desperate to win the GOP primary that he’s resorting to Trump-like attacks on Carpenter calling him “Slippery Sam” and questioning his past.


Republican BOLI candidate Lou Ogden joined in this weekend with a vicious and untrue online ad falsely claiming that Val Hoyle is endorsed by the NRA and attempting to tie her to the Parkland tragedy — not only is Hoyle not endorsed by the NRA, but she received an F- from the Oregon Firearms Federation in the BOLI race.


“Republicans in Oregon would like Oregonians to believe that Donald Trump’s corruptive influence stops at our border,” said Jeanne Atkins, Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon. “Unfortunately, that’s just not true. Oregonians need to elect Democrats who will stand up for the truth and not deliberately deceive the public.”

