Press Releases

Governor Brown Leads to Keep Oregonians Safe from Gun Violence While Buehler Abdicates Responsibility

Feb 16, 2018

For Immediate Release
Contact: Molly Woon
press [at] dpo [dot] org

Governor Brown Leads to Keep Oregonians Safe from Gun Violence While Buehler Abdicates Responsibility


February 16, 2018

PORTLAND — As the nation mourns yet another mass shooting, Governor Kate Brown has continued her strong leadership to keep Oregonians safe from gun violence. This is a marked contrast with Republican candidate Knute Buehler who has said that "mass murder would continue with or without new legislation” and whose spokesperson called legislative action on gun safety this session “irresponsible.” 
On Thursday, a bill Brown sponsored to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers by closing the “boyfriend loophole” and blocking convicted stalkers from owning guns passed out of the Oregon House of Representatives. If it were up to Buehler, this bill would not even have come up for a vote. Last fall, Buehler made clear he opposed taking up this measure, and his campaign manager said that doing so is “irresponsible.
Buehler previously has said that nothing can be done to stop mass shootings and voted against a number of gun safety priorities including closing the “Charleston Loophole” and background checks for private gun sales.
“Oregonians deserve a leader who will fight to keep them safe and end the terrifying epidemic of gun violence that is sweeping our nation,” said Jeanne Atkins, Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon. “While Governor Brown has worked tirelessly to protect the people of Oregon, Republican Knute Buehler has abdicated legislative responsibility to address the crisis and actively opposed common sense gun safety measures."
