Press Releases

Democratic Party of Oregon Calls on Monica Wehby to Condemn Loren Parks and his Super PAC

Apr 25, 2014


Contact: Jamal Raad / jamal [at] dpo [dot] org / (503) 239-8631

PORTLAND, Oregon (April 25, 2014) – 

Today, after it was revealed in the Washington Examiner that one of the major donors to a Super PAC supporting Monica Wehby, Loren Parks, has made many strange and bizarre comments on women’s health, the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO) released a statement. 

“Monica Wehby has a talent for attracting some of the most extreme public figures to her campaign,” DPO Chair Frank Dixon said. “First it was Ben Carson who came to Oregon to campaign for her, who has compared marriage equality to bestiality and pedophilia. Then, she invited Senator Tom Coburn, who thinks doctors who perform abortions should face the death penalty. Now comes Loren Parks, who has partnered with timber baron Andrew Miller to create a Super PAC for her. Loren Parks’ comments on women’s health are outrageous and offensive, and Monica Wehby should condemn them as well as this Super PAC, immediately.” 

Today, the Washington Examiner reported that Loren Parks has advocated using a “buzzer” to cure “sex guilt” and other “women’s sex problems,” as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

According to news reports, the two major funders to the independent expenditure Super PAC supporting Wehby are Lauren Parks and Andrew Miller, a millionaire timber baron who is romantically linked to Monica Wehby. Communication between the Super PAC and the campaign would be illegal, but Miller claims he and Wehby are not communicating about the campaign in their personal relationship.
