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Post-Primary Election Statement from DPO Chair Carla “K.C.” Hanson

May 21, 2020

For Immediate Release
Contact: Molly Woon
[email protected]
May 21, 2020

After a historic and successful Oregon Primary Election, Democratic Party of Oregon Chair Carla “K.C.” Hanson released the following statement:

“Oregonians have just shattered voter turnout records for all Oregon primaries. More Oregonians voted in this week’s primary than in any other previous primary in Oregon’s history. Despite the necessary COVID-19 restrictions and limitations, Oregon voters shocked vote-by-mail naysayers across the country. Stunningly, this record-breaking turnout eclipsed even the 2008 and 2016 primaries, which featured hotly contested presidential races.

“Oregonians have been voting exclusively by mail for more than two decades, and democracy in our state isn’t just doing fine — it’s clearly thriving. This Oregon primary election is proof to the nation that Americans needn’t sacrifice our health nor our democracy during these challenging times.

“Thank you to all the Democrats who stepped up to run. Campaigning is hard work, made even more challenging with this current pandemic, but our candidates creatively adapted to put public health and safety first. Tuesday’s record turnout is a testament to the hard work of our candidates, their families, County Democratic Parties, progressive organizations, and volunteers from all corners of the state.

“Also, huge congratulations are due to ALL Oregon voters, who haven proven that our democracy can function even amidst a crisis. The Democratic Party stands for YOUR right to vote.

“Now, Democrats will set our sights on November. We have before us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reclaim the soul of America by electing Vice President Joe Biden. In Oregon we will work tirelessly to protect our lineup of progressive all-stars on the 2020 ballot: Senator Jeff Merkley, Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Rep. Peter DeFazio, Rep. Kurt Schrader, Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, Treasurer Tobias Read, our Democratic majorities in Salem, and all our great Democrats running for local offices.”
