Party Resolutions

2023-04: Regarding SJR 33 of the Oregon Legislature and the Equal Rights For All Constitutional Amendment

Approved: 5/21/2023


WHEREAS, The Oregon Constitution, Article XV, 5a states that “only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or legally recognized as a marriage,” ;  and

WHEREAS, Transgender individuals do not have Constitutional protections for gender-affirming health care;  and

WHEREAS, Reproductive Freedom Rights are not articulated in the Oregon Constitution;  and

WHEREAS, Senate Joint Resolution 33 (SJR 33) of the 2023 Oregon Regular Legislative Session will refer to Oregon voters the Equal Rights for All (ERA) Constitutional amendment which will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms to control our bodies, lives, and futures – regardless of our sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation;  and

WHEREAS, the ERA will amend the Oregon Constitution so that every Oregonian has the freedom to make personal healthcare decisions and the right to access essential healthcare including contraceptives, abortion and gender affirming care;  and

WHEREAS, the ERA will amend the Oregon Constitution so that every Oregonian has the right to marry who they love, removing Oregon’s ban on same-gender marriage that was inserted into our constitution nearly two decades ago. (M. 36, 2004);  and

WHEREAS, if SJR 33 passes the ERA referral to Oregon voters will be on the November, 2024 General Election Ballot.


Section 1. The Democratic Party of Oregon supports the passage of SJR 33.

Section 2. Should the SJR 33 not make it through the legislative session, the Democratic Party of Oregon will support a citizen initiative petition effort for the Equal Rights for All Constitutional Amendment Ballot Measure.

Section 3. Within 1 month of receiving confirmation that the Equal Rights for All Amendment will be on the November 2024 ballot, the Democratic Party of Oregon will conduct an early ballot measure endorsement vote for this measure with the SCC and all associate members, who make up the normal endorsement body for ballot measures.

Section 4.  Upon the passage of this resolution, the State Central Committee of the DPO directs the DPO to fully implement the resolution media/communication policy in coordination with the DPO Stonewall Caucus.

Resolution Submitted by Karen Rippberger, Stonewall Caucus

As adopted by the Democratic Party of Oregon, May 21, 2023.