Party Resolutions

Resolution 2016-085: Regarding the State of Oregon as a State of Inclusivity with respect to immigrants and refugees

Sponsored by: KC Hanson, Wayne Kinney, and Melissa Rae Pancurak Approved: 01/31/2017


WHEREAS Immigrants and refugees of all nations have contributed to the health, well-being, and general welfare of The State of Oregon as families and neighbors; and

WHEREAS Immigrants and refugees of all nations have contributed to the prosperity of Oregon as workers and taxpayers; and

WHEREAS inclusion and integration of all residents of The State of Oregon is a vital concern for the general welfare of The State of Oregon in all respects; and

WHEREAS discrimination based on national origin, race, ethnicity, or religion or perceived national origin is a chronic aspect of life for immigrant and refugee populations of Oregon;

WHEREAS chronic discrimination leads to community disengagement, diminished opportunities for integration, increased stigmatization, greater incidents of health morbidity;

WHEREAS chronic discrimination negatively impacts local economic activity; and

WHEREAS promotion of health, well-being, and general welfare are core obligations of the City, and

WHEREAS prosperity requires harnessing all The State of Oregon’s available labor, skills, and ideas to grow The State of Oregon’s economy and expand opportunities; and

WHEREAS every Oregon resident should be treated with compassion and respect regardless of national origin or citizenship status; and

WHEREAS under the national constitution, the immigration power to exclude and deport is reserved exclusively to the national government,

Now, Therefore, The Democratic Party of Oregon Resolves That:

We, the State Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Oregon, hereby urge our state, counties and municipalities to oppose assisting or cooperating with any raids or detentions or deportations of any immigrants. This includes the assistance of local law enforcement or providing data to the federal government. It is not the role of any state, county or municipal law enforcement agency within Oregon to act as agents of the federal government in checking Oregonians’ immigration status.

The Democratic Party of Oregon urges all Oregonians, including the leaders and administrators of our state, county and municipal governments to not cooperate or assist with registration and surveillance programs of Muslims, or any attempts to make our friends, neighbors, and loved ones the enemy.