Party Resolutions

Resolution 2016-083: Regarding Bullying

Sponsored by: KC Hanson and the LGBTQ Caucus of the DPO Approved: 01/31/2017


Whereas every month, dozens of students reach out to the State and various nonprofits looking for help and relief from bullying at school; and

Whereas more than 1/4 of children and teens experience bullying in school: and

Whereas students who are bullied, harassed and intimidated are less likely to attend school and achieve academic success; and

Whereas there is a direct link between bullying and youth suicide; and

Whereas incidents of bullying have escalated dramatically throughout the Country and in Oregon since the Nov. 8. Election; and

Whereas these incidents are terrorizing thousands of young people who are perceived as “different”; and Whereas the state currently has no ability within existing Anti-Bullying statutes to assist these students or their families.

Now, Therefore, The Democratic Party of Oregon Resolves That:

We support HB2649, which will improve the safety of all students, by:

A. Creating a process that allows individuals (parents or students) to file a complaint against a district for not following their existing state-mandated bullying and harassment policy, allowing the Department of Education to formally review and remand a case to ensure that state law and district policy is being properly followed, and that all students are receiving the protections they are entitled to.

B. Requiring the Oregon Department of Education to track when perceived sexual orientation and/or gender identity is involved in a discipline related incident. There is an existing state form that tracks data based on a students’ age and ethnicity, but perceived sexual orientation and/or gender identity is not tracked. This data will give the state and the public crucial information about the scope of the problem in Oregon.

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Resolution 2016-084: Regarding Transgender Healthcare