Oregon’s 5th Congressional District is comprised of parts of Clackamas, Deschutes, Jefferson, Linn, Marion and Multnomah Counties
The 2025 CD 5 Reorganization will be held on Wednesday, March 7th, at 7pm via Zoom. Virtual credentials will be issued on March 5th.
Voting will be conducted using simplyvoting. You will receive your unique Elector ID and password on March 5th. You must be present and credentialed for the meeting to cast your ballot.
If you wish to run for a CD5 office please sign up here.
To see a list of filed candidates, please click here.
Budget Committee: Two delegates, one alternate
The Budget Committee: Prepares a two-year budget for the Democratic Party of Oregon for submission to the Executive Committee by the end of November of each odd-numbered year, and for the subsequent submission to the State Central Committee at its 4th quarter meeting; Makes all necessary reports to the State Central Committee.
Credentials Committee: Two delegates, one alternate
The Credentials Committee: Signs up members of the SCC and Executive Committee, designating delegates and alternates. Conducts elections for party officers with the assistance of DPO staff; Assists with members’ registration for special events, and other duties as assigned.
Platform and Resolutions Committee: Five delegates, two alternates
The Platform Committee: Recommends resolutions to the SCC; Submits a draft platform to the DPO’s platform convention; Assures that proposed resolutions and platforms are submitted in accordance with the Bylaws and rules of the DPO. Recommends ballot measures to the SCC.
Rules Committee: Three delegates, two alternates
The Rules Committee: Reviews the Bylaws regularly and recommends amendments; Proposes the rules and procedures for state conventions. Those rules and procedures are to be approved by the delegates of those conventions. Reviews the bylaws of prospective special group caucuses to ensure those bylaws meet the goals and Bylaws of the DPO. The committee may recommend approval of the caucus to the SCC.
Local Events and State Fair Committee: Five delegates, two alternates
The Local Events and State Fair Committee: With the assistance of staff, operates the State Fair booth, and assists county central committees with operating booths at their county fairs; Assists county parties, congressional district parties, and caucuses at local events when asked. Performs the other functions that may be assigned by the SCC.