4th Congressional District

Oregon’s Fourth Congressional District is comprised of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lincoln and Lane counties, most of Benton county and some of Linn county.


The purpose of this Committee shall be to coordinate efforts of Democrats in the Fourth Congressional District, support and elect Democrats, and strengthen the Democratic Party with emphasis on the office of United States Representative for this District.

CD4 Bylaws


If you would like more information about the organization, please send a short message to our chair at [email protected].

CD4 Officers

Chair: Chandler James
Vice Chair: Katrina Bowser
Recording Secretary: Sandra Woodside
Corresponding Secretary: Kathleen Fitzgerald
Treasurer: Lisa Plaxco

Meeting Information

CD4 had an in person reorganization meeting on Saturday March 1st at 1pm. We elected officers and members of important Democratic Party standing committees. Check back for upcoming meeting information when it becomes available.