Hello Family!
Looking back over 2024, it was truly a bittersweet year. November 5th felt like a very dark moment of despair in America’s History with the loss of the White House, yet the light of America’s promise will always burn bright as long as we never give up and never stop fighting.
In the words of our Senator Jeff Merkley, no matter who is in the Oval Office, we will never stop fighting for Oregon’s priorities. In 2024, we built a formidable force of committed warriors for democracy. We fought hard to protect our freedoms in defending our legislative majorities, and electing the very best of Oregon in our Secretary of State, in our first woman State Treasurer and in the Attorney General. In reflecting on our ideals, in one of the brightest moments of all in 2024, we won five of six congressional seats, sending Oregon’s first Black congresswoman to the U. S. House of Representatives.
Team DPO is full of gratitude for your support as we gear up for 2025 to continue electing Democrats up and down the May ballot and working together to organize, energize, and motivate Oregon Democrats across the state! What a joy and privilege to reflect on the amazing work we achieved this year, building for today and all the future generations who are depending on us!
Dear friends, please get some rest because our work is not done! Enjoy this special time of the year with your family, friends and loved ones. Also let us remember that while the winter holidays and the new year festivities are a time of joy for many, they can also be a time of loneliness and isolation for others. In all the revelry, let us not forget to pay close attention to those around us and to extend our hand and hearts to others. It could very well save a precious life. Thank you so much, proud Democrats.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and a very Happy New Year filled with hope for all!
Forward to 2025,
Dr. Rosa Colquitt
State Party Chair
Democratic Party of Oregon