For Immediate Release
Contact: Molly Woon
April 2, 2020
Democratic Party of Oregon Chair Carla “KC” Hanson released the following statement today, in response to the announcement by the Democratic National Convention Committee that they are delaying the nominating convention until the week of August 17th, 2020:
“I support the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) announcement today to delay the event to choose our nominee for President. In these uncertain times, public health and safety is the priority. The Democratic nominating convention is attended by tens of thousands of people, requiring tremendous resources and significant travel. With nearly 90 percent of Americans practicing social distancing to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, the only appropriate response is to delay.”
“In the coming days, we will be thoughtfully considering what changes need to be made to Oregon’s approved delegate selection process to maintain the health and safety of Oregon Democrats, while also ensuring the widest possible participation in electing a diverse delegation. Misinformation can easily spread in times of uncertainty and I ask everyone to be patient as we navigate these new waters. The stakes for this election couldn’t be higher. It’s critically important that we work together to protect our democracy, adapt to changes, and rise to the occasion in these challenging times.”