For Immediate Release
December 17, 2020
For More Information Contact:
Annie Ellison 971-998-9676
CLACKAMAS – Today, Secretary-Elect Shemia Fagan announced two key hires for her incoming administration. Fagan has tapped Cheryl Myers to serve as Deputy Secretary of State. Myers will make history as only the second person of color and the first person from the AAPI community to serve as Oregon’s Deputy Secretary of State. Myers began life as an orphan in Korea before she was adopted by an Oregon family and raised in a SE Portland working-class family.
“I am committed to surrounding myself with an experienced and diverse team,” said Fagan. “Cheryl brings a wealth of experience in statewide economic development, organizational leadership, and dismantling structural inequities.”
Myers will depart Metropolitan Family Service “MFS”, where she currently serves as the Chief Advocacy & Equity Officer. In 2011, Governor Kitzhaber tapped Myers to serve as his Director of Economic & Business Equity. As Chief of Staff to Ben Cannon, Myers helped build the newly formed Higher Education Coordinating Commission. Before her current role at MFS, Myers served as the Operations & Engagement Director for Educator Advancement in the Oregon Chief Education Office. Myers also has over two decades of Oregon small business ownership experience.
Also today, Fagan announced her first decision regarding division directors, retaining Kip Memmott as the Director of the Secretary of State’s Audits Division. Memmott was hired in 2017 by the late Secretary Dennis Richardson. Together, they continued to elevate the audits function, promoting the division as a powerhouse of accountability in our state. As the Audits Director under Secretary Richardson, Memmott led the 2019 audit of the Department of Human Services that uncovered mismanagement of the state’s foster care system and the 2020 audit of Oregon’s groundbreaking Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. Both audits received the National State Auditors Association’s (NSAA) Excellence in Accountability awards.
“I have consistently identified the Audits Division as one of the best tools the Secretary of State has to ensure public services make a meaningful difference in the lives of people who need them most. Kip is well-respected in Oregon and across the country and his decades of experience equip him with the skills we need to implement this vision,” said Fagan. “My decisions to retain Director Memmott and hire Deputy Myers reflects my commitment to the people of Oregon to hire only the most effective and innovative leaders.”
As the incoming Secretary of State, Fagan has the authority to dismiss any division director in the Secretary of State’s Office (including Archives, Audits, Corporations, and Elections). All Directors submitted transition plans to Fagan after her election on November 3rd, which Fagan has been reviewing while she meets with Directors and builds her administration.
Fagan will take office on January 4, 2021.

Cheryl Myers (left) and Kip Memmott (right)
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