Press Releases

Elections Complaint Filed Against Shadowy Republican PAC

Sep 14, 2018

For Immediate Release
Contact: Molly Woon
press [at] dpo [dot] org 
September 14, 2018

Elections Complaint Filed Against Shadowy Republican PAC
No Supermajorities PAC fails to disclose candidates controlling committee

PORTLAND — The Democratic Party of Oregon filed an elections law complaint today against the No Supermajorities PAC, a shadowy Republican political action committee being financed by right-wing business interests. The complaint faults House Republican Leader Mike McLane for failing to disclose himself as a candidate controlling the committee. 

Oregon law requires candidates with direct or indirect control of a PAC to be listed on the filing with the state. In this case, McLane is not listed as being associated with the PAC, in spite of the Republican leader’s clear involvement with the PAC. 

“From Priority Oregon to this shady attempt to conceal who’s in charge at No Supermajorities PAC, Republicans are playing fast and loose with the rules this election,” said Jeanne Atkins, Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon. “House Republicans, in particular, need to come clean on how they’re funding their races this election cycle.” 

According to the Oregon Secretary of State: 

  • A “controlled committee” is a political action committee that, in connection with the making of contributions or expenditures: is controlled directly or indirectly by a candidate or by another controlled committee; or acts jointly with a candidate or another controlled committee. 
  • A candidate controls a political action committee if: the candidate, the candidate’s agent, a member of the candidate’s immediate family, or any other political committee that the candidate controls has a significant influence on the actions or decisions of the political action committee; or the candidate’s committee and the political action committee both have the candidate or a member of the candidate’s immediate family as a treasurer or director.

Currently listed as directors on the No Supermajorities PAC are Preston Mann, Executive Director of Promote Oregon, the campaign arm of the Oregon House Republicans, which McLane controls; and Paul Rainey, former Caucus Administrator for Oregon Senate Republicans. 

“It’s clear Republicans aren’t following the rules here,” Atkins added. “Only Representative McLane can answer whether this is an intentional attempt to deceive the public or just sloppy bookkeeping. Either way, they owe Oregonians an apology and an explanation.” 
