Press Releases

DPO calls on Walden, Buehler to stick up for Oregon families in GOP tax plan negotiations

Dec 05, 2017

For Immediate Release
Contact: Molly Woon
press [at] dpo [dot] org
DPO calls on Walden, Buehler to stick up for Oregon families in GOP tax plan negotiations
December 5, 2017 
SALEM — Yesterday in Washington D.C., House Speaker Paul Ryan appointed Oregon’s sole congressional Republican, Greg Walden, to serve as one of nine Republican Representatives on a conference committee for the disastrous tax bill desperately wanted by Donald Trump and corporate America. Democrats are calling on Walden and Republican gubernatorial frontrunner Knute Buehler to stick up for Oregonians who will be adversely affected by the current proposals.
“Republicans have been transparent about their intention — pass a tax plan that favors their donors and wealthy corporations,” said Jeanne Atkins, Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon. “Knute Buehler, however, has been silent on this bill that will dramatically reshape American tax policies to benefit the rich at the cost of Oregon’s middle class and future generations.”
The two versions of the bill in Conference Committee both contain provisions harmful to American families. The House-passed bill included eliminating many deductions families rely on, including for education, mortgages, and more. The Senate-passed bill includes a repeal of the individual health insurance mandate while creating many new loopholes that favor the wealthy elite.  Neither plan pays for itself, with a possible impact of $1.5 trillion on the federal deficit.  
“Republicans know that their tax plan is a bad deal for American families. This is why they continue to work behind closed doors to negotiate a final bill,” said Atkins. “Now is the time for Oregonians to contact Representative Walden and make their voices heard. As a fellow Republican and constituent, it’s especially important that Knute Buehler stand up to Republican leadership and fight for Oregon families.”
Governor Kate Brown has already weighed in on the bill, warning that it will hurt working families while benefiting the wealthy and well-connected. Many predict that the GOP tax plan will cost jobs by encouraging corporations to move American jobs overseas with a zero percent rate on most foreign profits. Meanwhile, small businesses on Main Street will find it harder to compete. In fact, a majority of small business owners oppose the Republican tax plan because they know it would benefit large corporations over small businesses.
“Knute Buehler’s personal wealth separates him from the vast majority of middle and working class Oregonians and his silence on this important piece of legislation is disturbing,” said Atkins. “Democrats know that our elected officials are supposed to serve the people they represent and our Democratic congressional delegation has done a heroic job fighting this disastrous plan every step of the way. I thank them and call on Walden and Buehler to do what is right and advocate for Oregon families first, not wealthy donors and Corporate America.”