For Immediate Release
Contact: Molly Woon
(503) 367-4327
press [at] dpo [dot] org
DPO Chair Jeanne Atkins: Buehler, Walden, must condemn hateful LGBTQ statement from Richardson
September 29, 2017
"It's been more than 24 hours since Secretary Richardson's offensive response about LGBTQ communities was published by OPB. Since then, the silence from his Republican colleagues has been deafening.
"In the era of Trump, it is paramount that Republican leaders make clear where they stand on the disparaging rhetoric that has become so much the norm in our national dialogue. It is especially important for Knute Buehler and Greg Walden to condemn Dennis Richardson's open statement that LGBTQ people are "immoral." Oregon is a state where tolerance and diversity are celebrated. As two high profile Oregon Republicans — one who wishes to hold the highest office in the state, and the other who represents thousands of Oregonians in Congress — they need to condemn Richardson's comments and defend LGBTQ Oregonians. Will they be able to stand up for what is just?
"Given the relentless march of the Republican party toward imposing so-called "personal beliefs" through their policy actions, I call on Oregon's Republican leaders to speak out in protest of Secretary Richardson's hateful assertion. But Oregonians particularly need to hear from the men running for the top of the ticket, Knute Buehler, and from our Congressman Greg Walden. They need to lead by example.