Press Releases

Democratic Party of Oregon Reelects Chair & Officers By Acclamation

Mar 18, 2015


Contact: Andrew Gorry / press [at] dpo [dot] org / (503) 239-8634

SALEM, Oregon (March 18, 2015) – 

Frank Dixon was reelected by acclamation as Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon on Sunday, followed by the reelection by acclamation of Karen Packer as First Vice-Chair, Wayne Kinney as Vice-Chair, and Tanya Shively as Secretary.

“Despite significant challenges in 2014, we held steady and worked together as a Party. As a result, today we have a great Democratic leadership team—Senator Wyden, Senator Merkley, Governor Brown, our statewide elected officeholders and Democratic congressional team, along with expanded majorities in the Oregon House and Senate,” said Chair Frank Dixon. “In Oregon, we’re already seeing the benefits: Class Action Reform, Clean Fuels, and the Motor Voter Bill.”

Frank Dixon has been a member of the Democratic National Committee and the DNC LGBT Caucus since 2007, and was elected to serve on the national Association of State Democratic Parties (ASDC) Executive Committee in 2013. He also serves on the Democratic National Committee Rules and Bylaws Committee.

Learn more about the Chair and Officers of the Democratic Party of Oregon:

