Press Releases

Wall-to-Wall Local TV Coverage Of Monica Wehby's "Stalking" Scandal

May 19, 2014


Contact: Jamal Raad / jamal [at] dpo [dot] org / (503) 239-8631

PORTLAND, Oregon (May 19, 2014) – 

They're calling it a "political bombshell." Since news broke Friday morning, local TV coverage of Monica Wehby campaign has been consumed by her dodging questions about "stalking" Super PAC funder/boyfriend Andrew Miller.  First there was the police report. Then Wehby's staff physically pushed around reporters and "raced through [the] kitchen" in an effort to dodge their questions following her weak performance at the Portland City Club debate. By the evening, local news had obtained the 911 tape of Andrew Miller calling the Portland Police about Monica Wehby stalking him and harassing his employees.

See below, a very small portion of the remarkably tough coverage Wehby has earned:
