Press Releases

Democratic Party of Oregon Welcomes New Oregon Republican Party Chair

Feb 07, 2013


Contact: Andrew Gorry / press [at] dpo [dot] org / (503) 239-8634

PORTLAND, Oregon (February 7, 2013) – 

Earlier this week the Oregon Republican Party sent out a press release announcing the election of Suzanne Gallagher as her party's new Chair.
"We congratulate Suzanne on her election as Republican Party Chair," said Democratic Party of Oregon Chair Meredith Wood Smith. "It's a tough job. This state has a real debate going on about Oregon's values with real consequences for Oregon's working people and families. "
In Meredith Wood Smith's recent op-ed in The Oregonian ("Republican irrelevance in Oregon? Here's a suggestion", 1/19/13), she noted that the Democratic Party of Oregon has made "a deep commitment to fight for workers' paychecks, reproductive freedom, racial and ethnic justice, LGBT equality, seniors, education, the environment and voting rights."
We look forward to engaging ORP Chair Suzanne Gallagher on those issues.
