Dudley makes national news for his opposition to the minimum wage
Contact: Amy Wojcicki, Communications Director amy [at] dpo [dot] org (503) 239-8636
Yesterday, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann outlined the attack that the Republican party has launched on those struggling to make ends meet. Across the nation Republicans have been pushing to lower or eliminate the minimum wage, Chris Dudley has joined them arguing that a so-called training wage would be “one area I would like to tackle first.”
“The point of Oregon’s minimum wage is that it is the absolute least that anyone can get paid for an hour of work. Creating a so-called training wage lowers that minimum,” said Trent Lutz, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Oregon. “It doesn't matter how Chris Dudley tries to spin it now that his stance has been picked up by the media. He can’t escape his own words.”