
Democratic Party of Oregon Begins Delegate Selection Process for 2024 National Convention

Mar 01, 2024

Democratic Party of Oregon Begins Delegate Selection Process for 2024 National Convention

PORTLAND, OR – Today, the Democratic Party of Oregon officially began the process of selecting and sending 78 delegates to the 2024 Democratic National Convention, which will be held the week of August 19th in Chicago, Illinois.

The DPO launched a website,, where starting today any Oregon Democrat interested in becoming a delegate or in voting to choose Oregon’s Delegates can sign up to participate on the sign up form, which will be open  through the deadline at 5 p.m., May 22nd, 2024.

Oregon’s Delegates are allocated based on the results of the Vote-by-Mail Presidential Primary on May 21st.

“Oregon Democrats are committed to sending a delegation to the National Convention in Chicago that reflects the rich diversity and full inclusion of our great state,”  DPO Chair Dr. Rosa Colquitt said. “We’re committed to running a fair and transparent selection process that is open to any registered Oregon Democrat.”

“I often fondly reflect on the unforgettable experience of serving as a convention delegate in 2012 and 2016, and as Co-Chair of the 2020 Oregon Delegation with State Representative Travis Nelson, where I was honored to cast Oregon’s 50 pledged Biden delegates in the nationally televised roll call vote.

On the weekend of June 1st and 2nd, 2024, voters can cast ballots either online or in person in each of Oregon’s Congressional Districts, electing 44 of the 78 delegates.

On June 22nd, 2024 the Democratic Party of Oregon will host a statewide convention where 22 remaining delegates, as well as alternate delegates, will be elected. There are also 12 automatic delegates (Oregon’s Senators, Democratic Members of the US House, Governor, and 5 Delegates to the Democratic National Committee).

Prior to district elections and state convention, representatives of the Democratic Party of Oregon will fan out across the state t o provide informative presentations and workshops about becoming a delegate. Community groups interested in hosting a presentation are encouraged to contact Candy Emmons ([email protected]) at Democratic Party of Oregon. The presentations will provide an overview of what it means to be a delegate, how to get elected and a preview of what to expect. There will also be training sessions hosted on zoom.

For complete information — including rules, selection plan and delegate filing form — visit:

Members of the press who wish to receive credentials to the Democratic National Convention must apply through the Democratic National Convention Committee on their website. You can sign up for their press list here, and can gather more information on covering the convention here.

