FAQs for Displaced Voters


Q. I was displaced by the recent fires. How do I make sure I receive my ballot?

Oregonians have until the voter registration deadline, October 13th, to decide where they want their ballot sent if they are unable to receive mail/not returning home (while remaining registered in the districts of their damaged/lost homes). 

You can make the address change online in just a couple of minutes using MyVote (oregonvotes.org).

You can also ask for your ballot to be held “will call” style at their county elections office.

Q. What is the difference between my registration address and my mailing address?

Your registration address determines what races appear on your ballot. Even if you have lost your home or are not currently living in your home, you may use this address to register. Your mailing address is where your ballot will be sent. If you cannot collect mail at your residence, you can use a different mailing address.  

Q. If I fill out a change of address form, will the Post Office forward my ballot to the new address?

No. The USPS cannot forward ballots. That is why it is important to update your voter registration with an updated mailing address or contact your county elections office for assistance.

Q. What if my mailbox burned down?

Your ballot will be held for you at your local post office.

Q. What if I forget to change my mailing address after the voter registration deadline?

Contact your county clerk. They may be able to hold your ballot for you at their offices. You can also vote in person at any county elections office by using a provisional ballot. 

Q. Can I vote in person?

Yes. Once ballots are sent, all County Elections Offices are required to accommodate voting in-person at their offices.