1st Congressional District

Oregon's First Congressional District includes Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, and parts of Multnomah and Washington Counties.


The purpose of this Committee shall be to coordinate efforts of Democrats in the First Congressional District and to strengthen the Democratic Party with emphasis on the office of United States Representative for this District.


If you would like more information about the organization, please send a short message to our chair at [email protected].

CD1 Officers

Chair: Jesse Cornett
Vice Chair: Donna Nyberg
Secretary: Constance Chen
Treasurer: Hiral Pandya


Click here to view the CD1 bylaws.

Special Rules of Order

Click here to view the Special Rules of Order for CD1.


District Map

1st Congressional District Representative

Representative Suzanne Bonamici

1st Congressional District County Parties

Clatsop County
Columbia County
Multnomah County
Washington County
Tillamook County

Voter Resources

Register to Vote
Check or update your voter registration