The mission of the Womxn’s Caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon is to build and sustain inclusive relationships and networks with Democratic womxn in support of their participation in the political process, creation of a womxn’s political power base, development of public policy affecting womxn, and the election of qualified womxn candidates. The Womxn’s Caucus will endeavor to educate and train womxn in all areas of political participation, from the importance of voting to running for office. We will promote full and equal participation of womxn in government and strongly encourage womxn to seek public office.
At the August 9th, 2020 meeting of the Caucus, the members voted unanimously to change every instance of ‘women’ to ‘womxn’ in our bylaws, with the following reasoning: The etymology of the word ‘woman’ derives from the Old English for ‘wifmon’ or ‘wife of man.’ Using an x to effectively remove the word ‘man’ or ‘men’ from the word is meant to broaden the scope of womanhood to be inclusive of queer, trans and non-binary women, while also pushing back against ingrained societal concepts of women being defined as they exist in relation to men (e.g., as wives, as mothers, etc.). We believe that bigotry in any form is fundamentally incompatible with our goal of gender equality, and that women’s autonomy is non-negotiable. We believe that each of us has a right to exist in the fullness of our humanity and individuality. Our name change is meant to more fully reflect these beliefs.