The name of the organization shall be The Democratic Party of Oregon Stonewall Caucus but may also be referred to as the DPO Stonewall Caucus, or the Stonewall Caucus. The Stonewall Caucus shall be affiliated with the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO) and the National Stonewall Democrats.
The Stonewall Caucus is devoted to advancing equal rights for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The Stonewall Caucus will participate in the policy decisions and the outreach programs of the DPO to maximize support of the Democratic Party and its endorsed candidates. The Stonewall Caucus will recruit and support Stonewall candidates for elective office. The Stonewall Caucus will support only Democratic elected officials and Democratic nominees in partisan races. The Stonewall Caucus will recruit and support LGBTQ candidates for DPO leadership positions at the state and local levels. The Stonewall Caucus will recruit and support LGBTQ candidates for the delegation to the Democratic National Convention and Committees.
Any Democrat registered to vote in the State of Oregon who by signing a membership list
subscribes to the purposes of the Stonewall Caucus as described in Article II and complies with the provisions of these bylaws shall be a member of the Stonewall Caucus (a “Member”).
In the first quarter of every year, the Stonewall Caucus shall present the DPO with a report of its membership, attendance and activities for the preceding calendar year.
The DPO Stonewall Caucus will abide by Article XV (Special Caucuses) of the Democratic Party of Oregon ByLaws and any additional policies as established by the DPO Executive Committee
SECTION ONE: The officers of the Stonewall Caucus shall be Chair, Vice Chair,
Recording Secretary, Communications Officer, and Treasurer.
SECTION TWO: The Stonewall Caucus shall strive to maintain gender equity when electing
SECTION THREE: The elected officers and the Immediate Past Chair of the Stonewall Caucus shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Stonewall Caucus (“Executive Committee”).
SECTION FOUR: The Executive Committee shall be the administrative body of the Stonewall
Caucus and shall have the power and authority to do and perform all acts and functions that the Stonewall Caucus itself might do or perform, which are consistent with these Bylaws.
SECTION FIVE: The term of office for the officers shall be two (2) years. There are no term limits.
SECTION ONE: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Stonewall Caucus and the
Executive Committee, shall appoint Ad Hoc committees, shall represent the Stonewall Caucus on the Oregon State Central Executive Committee, and shall perform other duties that are pertinent o the office.
SECTION TWO: The Vice Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair during any
absence, incapacity, or temporary disability of the Chair and perform such duties as may be assigned by the Chair.
SECTION THREE: The Recording Secretary shall maintain the membership and mailing lists, keep the minutes of all meetings of the Stonewall Caucus, send out notices of all meetings, and perform other duties that are pertinent to the office. The Recording Secretary shall be the custodian of all the papers of the Stonewall Caucus. The Recording Secretary, at the expiration of his/her term, shall surrender all property of the Stonewall Caucus in his/her possession to the Chair.
SECTION FOUR: The Communications Officer shall send out notices of all meetings, prepare and distribute Stonewall Caucus newsletters in accordance with Executive Committee policies, prepare press releases at the request of the Executive Committee or the Chair, and perform other duties that are pertinent to the office.
SECTION FIVE: The Treasurer shall be responsible for insuring that the Stonewall Caucus complies with the regulations and financial requirements of the State Central Committee. The Treasurer shall make a report of the income and expenses of the Stonewall Caucus at each meeting of the Executive Committee, and make a financial statement to the members at the annual meeting of the Stonewall Caucus. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the financial records of the Stonewall Caucus. The Treasurer, at the expiration of her/his term, shall surrender all records and property of the Stonewall Caucus in his/her possession to the Chair.
SECTION ONE: Resignation of the Chair shall be effective upon receipt of such resignation, in writing, to the remaining members of the Executive Committee. Resignations of the other members of the Executive Committee shall be effective upon receipt of such resignation, in writing, to the Chair.
SECTION TWO: A member of the Executive Committee may be removed by a three fourths vote of the Executive Committee for malfeasance or for conduct clearly contrary to the purposes or best interests of the Stonewall Caucus.
SECTION THREE: Any member of the Executive Committee who is absent from two (2)
consecutive meetings may be subject to removal.
SECTION FOUR: The Executive Committee shall fill by appointment, pending special election upon due notice of the membership, any vacancies on the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE IX: Standing Committees
SECTION ONE: The Chair shall appoint the members of each standing committee from the membership of the Stonewall Caucus. Each standing committee may appoint from among its own members a committee chair. Meetings of any standing committee shall be called by the chair of the committee by giving notice of the time and place of meeting to each member of the committee.
SECTION TWO: The Chairperson of all standing committees shall sit as a member of the Executive Committee, and shall not be counted for the purpose of determining Executive Committee meeting quorum under these bylaws.
SECTION THREE: Fundraising Committee – the Fundraising Committee will raise funds to further the Purpose of the Stonewall Caucus. The Treasurer shall be a member of and may chair the Fundraising Committee. The Fundraising Committee is empowered to solicit monetary and in-kind contributions and to sell items promoting the Stonewall Caucus or Stonewall Democrats.
SECTION FOUR: Membership Committee – The Membership Committee shall recruit members, greet new members, and maintain the membership list in coordination with the Secretary. The Vice Chair shall be a member of and may chair the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee may staff booths at Pride Festivals and political conventions and organize participation in Pride Parades. In coordination with the Secretary, the Membership Committee shall provide regular reports to the membership regarding the activities of the Stonewall Caucus.
SECTION FIVE: Community Outreach and Inclusion Committee – The Inclusion and Outreach Committee shall promote inclusivity within the Democratic Party of Oregon and its affiliated caucuses and organizations. The committee shall coordinate participation in Pride events, state fairs, and other profitable gatherings to amplify LGBTQ+ visibility and engagement.
SECTION ONE: The DPO Stonewall Caucus Executive Committee may, at its discretion, recognize organizations representing Stonewall concerns at the County and District Central Committee levels, as constituent organizations of the Stonewall Caucus. Such recognition shall not be dependent on recognition by any other Democratic Party committee.
SECTION TWO: One representative of each recognized organization may be elected by its members to serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee of the Stonewall Caucus.
SECTION THREE: Representatives of local constituent organizations shall not be counted for the purpose of determining Executive Committee meeting quorum under these bylaws.
SECTION ONE: The Recording Secretary of the Stonewall Caucus shall maintain the list of Members, which shall include as a minimum the name and last known voter registration address of the Member and the date on which the Member first qualified for membership. The list shall only be used for purposes related o the Stonewall Caucus and only with the approval of the Stonewall Caucus Executive Committee.
SECTION TWO: At the request of a local constituent organization, the Recording Secretary will provide local member information to that local constituent organization provided the following: (1) the local constituent organization has been recognized by the Stonewall Caucus under these bylaws, and (2) the local constituent organization has a policy of reciprocal sharing of member information with the Stonewall Caucus.
SECTION ONE: The Executive Committee shall meet at least four (4) times during the year. At least one such meeting shall be held on a face to face basis. Other such meetings may be by teleconference, email or other similar communication. Participation by such means shall constitute presence at such meetings. A quorum for the Executive Committee shall be a majority of its membership, excluding vacancies, heads of standing committees, and representatives of local constituent organizations.
SECTION TWO: Special meetings may be called by a 2/3rds vote of the Executive Committee and may be by teleconference or email.
SECTION THREE: The membership shall convene annually at a time and place(s) to be determined by the Executive Committee. The membership shall receive at least thirty (30) days notice of the annual meeting by mail, email or telephone.
The annual meeting may be held in person and/or electronically, to be determined by the Executive Committee. Voting by valid caucus members may occur in person and/or electronically, as determined by the Executive Committee.
The membership shall receive at least thirty (30) days notice of the means by which the meeting will be held.
A quorum for the annual meeting shall be ten percent (10%) of the voting membership. The quorum requirement may be waived by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee.
SECTION ONE: The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, by a majority vote, develop a policy regarding the support or endorsement of candidates.
SECTION ONE: Names of proposed officers will be placed in nomination from the floor during the annual meeting.
SECTION TWO: Elections shall be held at the annual meeting held in odd calendar years.
The Bylaws for the Stonewall Caucus may be amended at the annual meeting by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present, providing that a copy of the proposed amendments has been sent to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting of the Stonewall Caucus. The Bylaws for the Stonewall Caucus may be amended at a general meeting, or at a special meeting, providing that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) has been sent to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment(s) are to be considered.
The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Stonewall Caucus where those members present exceed 20. Otherwise, the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, for Small Boards shall govern the Stonewall Caucus and its Committees.
The Stonewall Caucus shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, ethnic or national origin, age, disability, veteran status, social or economic status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other factor unrelated to membership and the mission of the Stonewall Caucus.
Amendments Approved by a vote of the Rules Committee
in Burns, Oregon on June 25, 2017
Forwarded for approval to the SCC by the Rules Committee
of the DPO on April 23, 2005
Approved by a unanimous vote of the State Central Committee
in Pendleton, Oregon on April 24, 2005
Amended at the Annual Meeting of the GLBT Caucus
in Salem, Oregon, on August 20, 2005
Amended at the Annual Meeting of the GLBT Caucus
in Portland, Oregon, on November 3, 2007.
Amended at the Annual Meeting of the GLBT Caucus
in Sun River Oregon, on October 17, 2009
Amended at the Annual Meeting of the GLBT Caucus
in Beaverton, Oregon, on December 4, 2011