The name of the organization shall be The Democratic Party of Oregon Election Integrity Caucus, but may also be referred to as the Election Integrity Caucus.
The Election Integrity Caucus will abide by Article XV (Special Caucuses) of the Democratic Party of Oregon By Laws, any additional policies as established by the DPO Executive Committee, and any Memorandum of Understanding between the Election Integrity Caucus and the Oregon Democratic Lawyers Council. As an official Caucus of the DPO, the Election Integrity Caucus agrees to support only Democratic elected officials and Democratic nominees in partisan races.
The Election Integrity Caucus will work to “Guarantee Transparent Elections that Reflect the Will of the People”.
Such elections must meet these criteria:
- All eligible voters must have the opportunity to vote and have their vote counted as cast with a procedure that must produce a voter-verified paper ballot, which will be the official ballot of record.
- Efforts must be made to engage all eligible voters in the election process. Any attempt to disenfranchise voters, including burdensome ID requirements, voter suppression tactics, or refusal to restore voting rights to ex-felons, has no place in our system.
- Privatization of any aspect of elections (voter registration, casting and counting of votes) has no place in a democratic system.
- Elective office must be available to all candidates regardless of their personal wealth or that of their associates.
- Educated voters are a prerequisite for a healthy and functioning democracy. The public airwaves must be used to provide ample discussion and debate during elections, at no charge to candidates or ballot initiatives.
The Election Integrity Caucus has the following goals:
- Support the Election Reform plank of the current DPO Platform
- Engage in efforts to realize the Election Reform Democratic Principles enumerated in the current DPO Platform
- Work for successful implementation of the Legislative Action Items associated with the Election Reform plank and Democratic Principles of the current DPO Platform
- Develop future legislative action items to support the Election Reform Plank and Democratic Principles of the DPO Platform
- Promote election reform legislation and lobby for its passage with members of the Oregon Legislature, U.S. Congress and the voting public
- Identify and Research other aspects of Election Integrity affecting local, state, and federal elections in Oregon
- Through research, and writing of “white papers” and other formats to disseminate information, serve as a resource on Election Integrity issues for the DPO and county Democratic parties
- Similarly, serve as a resource on Election Integrity issues for Oregon’s county, state, and federal elected officials
- Provide a forum for Oregon Democrats concerned about Election Integrity
- Draw Election Integrity activists within Oregon into the DPO and county Democratic parties
Any Democrat registered to vote in the State of Oregon who by signing a membership list subscribes to the purposes of the Election Integrity Caucus as described in Article II and complies with the provisions of these bylaws shall be a member of the Election Integrity Caucus (a “Member”).
Section One: The officers of the Election Integrity Caucus shall be Chair, two Vice Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section TWO: Executive Committee Membership
The elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section THREE: The term of office for the officers shall be two (2) years.
Section ONE: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Election Integrity Caucus and the Executive Committee, shall appoint Ad Hoc committees or work groups, shall represent the Election Integrity Caucus on the Democratic Party of Oregon Executive Committee, and shall perform other duties that are pertinent to the office.
Section TWO: The Vice Chairs shall assume the duties of the Chair during any absence, incapacity, or temporary disability of the Chair and perform such duties as may be assigned by the Chair. Assumption of Chair duties will be shared alternately by the two Vice Chairs.
Section THREE: The Secretary shall maintain the membership and mailing lists, keep the minutes of all meetings of the Election Integrity Caucus, send out notices of all meetings, and perform other duties that are pertinent to the office. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all the papers of the Election Integrity Caucus. The Secretary, at the expiration of his/her term, shall surrender all property of the Election Integrity Caucus in his/her possession to the Chair.
Section FOUR: The Treasurer will comply with the DPO’s “Policy on Caucus Fundraising”. Additionally, the Treasurer will make a report of the expenses of the Election Integrity Caucus at each meeting of the Caucus Executive committee, and make a financial statement at the General Membership meetings of the Election Integrity Caucus. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the financial records of the Election Integrity Caucus. The Treasurer, at the expiration of his/her term, shall surrender all property of the Election Integrity Caucus in his/her possession to the Chair.
Section FIVE: Executive Committee
The governing body of the Election Integrity Caucus shall be the Election Integrity Caucus Executive Committee, hereafter referred to as the Executive Committee, which derives its authority and responsibilities from the membership. The Executive Committee shall have authority to transact business on behalf of the Election Integrity Caucus between statewide meetings. The Executive Committee may appoint standing and special committees, and may delegate any of its powers to said committees with
advice and consent from the general membership.
Section ONE: Resignations of the members of the Executive Committee shall be effective upon receipt of such resignation, in writing, to the Chair, or the date set in the letter of resignation, whichever is later.
Section TWO: A member of the Executive Committee may be removed by a threefourths vote of the Executive Committee for malfeasance or for conduct clearly contrary to the purposes or best interests of the Election Integrity Caucus.
Section THREE: Any member of the Executive Committee who is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings may be subject to removal.
Section FOUR: The Executive Committee shall fill by appointment, pending special election upon due notice to the membership, any vacancies on the Executive Committee.
Section ONE: Executive Committee Meetings, Quarterly
The Executive Committee shall meet at least four (4) times during the year. At least one meeting shall be held on a face-to-face basis. Other such meetings may be by teleconference, email or other similar communication. Participation by such means shall constitute presence at such meetings. The Executive Committee may hold meetings at each State Central Committee meeting if caucus times are available. A quorum for the Executive Committee shall be a majority of its membership, excluding vacancies. Executive Committee meeting notices shall be mailed or emailed at least two weeks prior to a meeting.
Section TWO: Special Meetings of the Executive Committee
Special meetings may be called by a 2/3rds vote of the Executive Committee and may be by teleconference or email. An emergency meeting may be called by telephone, or email.
Section THREE: General Membership Meetings, Semi-Annually
The membership shall convene at least semi-annually at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may schedule general membership meetings at each State Central Committee meeting if caucus times are available. The membership shall receive at least thirty (30) days notice of the meeting by mail, email or telephone. A quorum for a general membership meeting shall be ten percent (10%) of the voting membership. The quorum requirement may be waived by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee.
Elections shall be held every two years. Names of proposed officers will be placed in
nomination from the floor during the reorganization meeting held every two years.
The Bylaws for the Election Integrity Caucus may be amended at any general
membership meeting by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present, providing that a
copy of the proposed amendments has been sent to the members at least thirty (30)
days prior to the meeting.
The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the
Election Integrity Caucus.