Name and Status
The name of the organization shall be The Disability Justice Caucus (DJC).
Purpose and Mission Statement
To offer technical assistance to DPO and the thirty-six county Democratic Party Central Committees to conduct business in a manner that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
To work with Democratic legislators to draft and pass legislation addressing the needs of individuals with disabilities, thus enabling us to believe that we have access to the American dream;
To provide a mechanism through which the leadership capacity of the “disabled” community is enhanced and developed, subsequently leading to more individuals with disabilities taking leadership positions within DPO and local and state legislative and administrative bodies.
Qualifications for Membership
Any Democrat registered to vote in the State of Oregon who by signing a membership list and subscribes to the purposes of the Disability Justice Caucus as described in Article II and complies with the provisions of these bylaws shall be a member.
Annual Report to the State Democratic Central Committee
The Disability Justice Caucus shall, during the first quarter of each calendar year, present the State Central Committee with an Annual Report to include details of its membership, attendance and activities for the preceding calendar year.
Compliance with Enabling Documents, Policies, and Administrative Rules and Procedures
The Disability Justice Caucus shall abide by Article XV (Special Caucuses) of the Democratic Party of Oregon By-Laws, policies, and administrative rules and procedures established by the Democratic Party State Central Committee, the DPO Executive Committee, and DPO staff.
A. The officers of the Disability Justice Caucus shall include a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Legislative Director, a Communications Director; and one Member elected At-Large.
B. Term: The term of office for the officers shall be two (2) years. There are no term limits.
C. Elections: Officers shall be elected at a time and a place corresponding with the election of the Officers of the Democratic Party of Oregon;
- Nominations shall be opened seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the convening of the Annual Meeting through a process determined by the Executive Committee.
D. Qualifications:
- The Chair, Vice-Chair, and two (2) other Officers shall be individuals with disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
E. Resignation and/or Removal:
- Resignation: Resignation of all officers shall be effective upon receipt of such resignation, in writing, by the Executive Committee;
- Attendance: Any member of the Executive Committee who is absent, without an approved excuse, from two (2) consecutive meetings, may be subject to removal;
- Excused absences are limited to absences resulting from the Officer’s disability, illness or economic hardship;
- The Executive Committee shall, within thirty (30) days of the formation of the Disability Justice Caucus, develop procedures, that comply with the privacy requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), to determine what constitutes an excused absence;
- Removal: A member of the Executive Committee may be removed by an affirmative vote of five members of the Executive Committee or three-fourths (3/4) of the Membership, for conduct contrary to the purposes or best interests of the Disability Justice Caucus and/or Democratic Party of Oregon;
- Vacancies shall be filled by Special Election at the next quarterly meeting per procedures developed by or at the direction of the Executive Committee and presented to the Membership for approval.
F. Duties of Officers
- Chair: The Chair shall
- Preside at all meetings of the Disability Justice Caucus and the Executive Committee;
- Serve as the Caucus Delegate to the State Central Committee;
- Serve as the Alternate to the DPO Executive Committee;
- Unless delegated, represent the Disability Justice Caucus at all activities of the DPO and the thirty-six (36) county Central Committees;
- In consultation with the Disability Justice Caucus Secretary, devise a Draft Agenda for each meeting of the Disability Justice Caucus and its Executive Committee;
- Make recommendations to implement the provisions of these By-Laws;
- Where convening an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee is not possible and the as situation requires immediate action, make decisions consistent with the mission of the Disability Justice Caucus;
- Such actions are to be reported immediately to the Executive Committee and addressed at its next meeting;
- Perform other duties that are necessary to the effective functioning of the Disability Justice Caucus.
- Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall
- Assume the duties of the Chair during any absence, incapacity, or temporary disability of the Chair and perform such duties as may be assigned by the Chair;
- Represent the Disability Justice Caucus on the DPO Executive Committee;
- Serve as the First Alternate to the State Central Committee;
- Serve as the organizational Executive Director and act as the primary Manager of all Disability Justice Caucus projects.
- Secretary: The Secretary shall
- Maintain the membership and mailing lists;
- Keep the minutes of all meetings of the Disability Justice Caucus Executive Committee and Membership;
- Serve as the Custodian off all records of the Disability Justice Caucus;
- Establish procedures, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, regarding the format and style of agendas and minutes of all Disability Justice Caucus committees;
- At the expiration of his/her term, shall surrender all property of the Disability Justice Caucus in his/her possession to the Chair;
- Serve as the second alternate to the State Central Committee;
- Serve as the second alternate to the DPO Executive Committee;
- Perform other duties that are pertinent to the office.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer shall
- Be responsible for insuring that the Disability Justice Caucus complies with the regulations and financial requirements of the Democratic Party of Oregon;
- Make a report of the income and expenses of the Disability Justice Caucus at each meeting of the Executive Committee, and make a financial statement to the members at the Annual Meeting of the Disability Justice Caucus;
- Serve as the custodian of all the financial records of the Caucus;
- At the expiration of her/his term, shall surrender all records and property of the Caucus in his/her possession to new Treasurer or, in the absence of a Treasurer, the Chair.
- Communications Director: The Communications Director shall
- Be responsible for the development of the notices of all meetings;
- Be responsible for managing the use of technology associated with all official meetings of the Disability Justice Caucus;
- Prepare and distribute Disability Justice Caucus newsletters;
- Prepare news releases at the request of the Executive Committee or the Chair; and
- Perform other duties that are pertinent to the office.
- Legislative Director: The Legislative Director shall
- Be responsible for tracking all legislation submitted to the Legislature that may affect persons with disabilities;
- Be responsible for recommending to the Executive Committee a strategy for each piece of legislation;
- Be responsible for tracking changes to the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) that may affect persons with disabilities;
- Be responsible for coordinating the submission of comments through the rulemaking process for each proposed change to the OAR;
- Perform other duties that are pertinent to the office.
Standing Committees
A. Disability Justice Caucus shall have the following standing committees:
- Executive Committee
- Membership: The elected officers of the Disability Justice Caucus shall constitute the Executive Committee.
- The Chair of the Disability Justice Caucus shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee;
- The Chairs of the Standing Committees shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee;
- Ex-officio Members of the Executive Committee shall not have voting rights nor factor into quorum determinations;
- Authority: The Executive Committee shall be the administrative body of the Disability Justice Caucus and shall have the power and authority to act, consistent with these By-Laws, on behalf of the Disability Justice Caucus;
- Quorum: The Chair or Vice-Chair and three other Members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
- Membership: The elected officers of the Disability Justice Caucus shall constitute the Executive Committee.
- Finance Committee
- Membership: The Finance Committee shall have no fewer than three (3) nor more than seven (7) Members;
- The Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee.
- Responsibilities: The Finance Committee shall
- Be responsible for all bookkeeping and accounting functions of Disability Justice Caucus subject to the requirements of the Democratic Party of Oregon, the State of Oregon, and the United States Internal Revenue Service;
- Be responsible for presenting a financial report at each meeting of the Executive Committee and Membership.
- Prepare an annual Budget;
- A Proposed Budget shall be presented to the Executive Committee within thirty (30) days after the first quarter meeting of the membership;
- Develop procedures, subject to Executive Committee approval, implementing its responsibilities;
- Develop and manage the implementation of a comprehensive annual fundraising plan;
- Other financially-related duties determined by the Executive Committee.
- Membership: The Finance Committee shall have no fewer than three (3) nor more than seven (7) Members;
- Administrative Committee:
- Membership: The Administrative Committee shall have no fewer than three (3) nor more than seven (7) Members;
- The Secretary shall be a member of the Administrative Committee;
- Responsibilities: The Administrative Committee shall
- Be responsible for the maintenance of all documents of the Disability Justice Caucus subject to the requirements of the Democratic Party of Oregon and the State of Oregon, to include all official reports, publications, notices, emails, agendas and minutes;
- Maintain a complete and accurate record of all Members;
- Membership data collected shall be approved by the Executive Committee;
- Policies relating to the release or sharing of membership data shall be approved by the Executive Committee;
- Be responsible for presenting a report at each meeting of the Executive Committee and Membership;
- Prepare an annual Budget;
- A Proposed Budget shall be presented to the Finance Committee for inclusion into the organizational Budget, within fifteen (15) days after the first quarter meeting of the membership;
- Develop procedures to implement its mandate, as specified in these By-Laws, subject to Executive Committee approval;
- Other administratively-related duties determined by the Executive Committee.
- Membership: The Administrative Committee shall have no fewer than three (3) nor more than seven (7) Members;
- Legislative Committee:
- Membership: The Legislative Committee shall have no fewer than three (3) nor more than seven (7) Members;
- The Legislative Director shall be a member of the Legislative Committee;
- Responsibilities: The Legislative Committee shall
- Be responsible for monitoring legislation submitted to the Oregon Legislature including the
- Evaluation of legislation that may impact individuals with disabilities and propose to the Executive Committee an official position on the specific legislation;
- Coordination of an effort to advocate for the Disability Justice Caucus position legislation;
- Coordinate, but not subordinate, legislative activities with the Democratic Party of Oregon;
- Be responsible for presenting a report at each meeting of the Executive Committee and Membership;
- Prepare an annual Budget;
- A Proposed Budget shall be presented to the Finance Committee for inclusion into the organizational Budget, within fifteen (15) days after the first quarter meeting of the membership;
- Develop procedures to implement its mandate, as specified in these By-Laws, subject to Executive Committee approval;
- Other legislatively-related duties determined by the Executive Committee.
- Be responsible for monitoring legislation submitted to the Oregon Legislature including the
- Membership: The Legislative Committee shall have no fewer than three (3) nor more than seven (7) Members;
- Communications Committeee:
- Membership: The Communications Committee shall have no fewer than three (3) nor more than seven (7) Members;
- The Communications Director shall be a member of the Communications Committee;
- Responsibilities: The Communications Committee shall
- Be responsible for preparing all official emails, newsletters, and news releases;
- Edit all official public documents, including official emails, newsletters, news releases, and minutes of the Executive Committee and Membership;
- Editing of Minutes shall be limited to proofreading;
- Present a report at each meeting of the Executive Committee and Membership;
- Prepare an annual Budget;
- A Proposed Budget shall be presented to the Finance Committee for inclusion into the organizational Budget, within fifteen (15) days after the first quarter meeting of the membership;
- Develop procedures to implement its mandate, as specified in these By-Laws, subject to Executive Committee approval;
- Other communications-related duties determined by the Executive Committee.
- Membership: The Communications Committee shall have no fewer than three (3) nor more than seven (7) Members;
(B) The Executive Committee may, from time-to-time, establish special, limited-duration, committees to address needs that do not fall within the mandates of the five Standing Committees.
(C) The Chairs of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee upon the recommendation of the Disability Justice Caucus Chair;
- In selecting a committee Chair, preference shall be given to individuals with disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Non-Discrimination and Accommodations
(A) The Disability Justice Caucus shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, ethnic or national origin, age, disability, veteran status, social or economic status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other factor unrelated to membership and the mission of the Disability Justice Caucus;
(B) The Disability Justice Caucus, subject to the reasonableness of accommodation requests and resource limitations of the Caucus, shall consider all requests for the accommodation of Member’s disability(ies) and, where reasonable, grant such requests. The Disability Justice Caucus Executive Committee shall prepare, disseminate for discussion, and present to the Membership for adoption, a policy for inclusion and accommodation. Once approved, this policy shall be revisited by the Executive Committee on an annual basis.
Meetings, Notices and Quorums
(A) Annual, quarterly, and special meetings may be held in person and/or electronically per procedures presented to the Membership for approval.
(B) Special meetings may be called through a majority vote of the Executive Committee or by petition signed by twenty (20) percent of the Membership;
(1) Methods of signing Petitions Requesting a Special Meeting shall be determined per procedures developed by or at the direction of the Executive Committee and presented to the Membership for approval.
(C) Voting by members may occur in person, electronically, or through other means determined by the Executive Committee.
(D) The membership shall receive at least thirty (30) days notice of all meetings of the Membership through means and/or methods determined by the Executive Committee.
(E) A quorum for the annual meeting shall be ten (10) percent of the membership attending in person or forty (40) percent attending in person or through electronic means, whichever is greater. The quorum requirement may be waived by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Committee.
(A) The Executive Committee shall develop a policy regarding the support or endorsement of candidates and present it to the Membership for approval.
Formation Meeting
(A) Names of proposed officers will be placed in nomination from the floor during the annual meeting.
Amendment of By-Laws
(A) The By-Laws may be amended at an annual or quarterly meeting, or a meeting called specifically to consider By-Laws Amendments, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present, providing that a copy of the proposed amendment has been sent to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting;
(1) Amendments shall be effective upon approval by the Democratic Party of Oregon.
Parliamentary Authority
The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Disability Justice Caucus.