Information for Prospective DPO Officers

If you are interested in filing to be a Democratic Party of Oregon Officer candidate, here is some candidate information you should know:

Four DPO Officers will be elected at the 1st Quarter 2021 State Central Committee (SCC) Meeting, and will serve until the 1st Quarter 2023 SCC Meeting.

DPO Officers are members of the DPO’s Administration Committee, which meets remotely twice a month (sometimes more or less frequently as needed). These members also have important roles at SCC Meetings and all major DPO Events (Platform Convention, Wayne Morse Gala, Oregon Summit, etc), and serve as liaisons to our County Parties and Caucuses. These officers are also expected to attend all quarterly SCC Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings.

A Brief Overview of Responsibilities


The Chair is the CEO and Spokesperson for the DPO, and presides over all meetings of the SCC, Executive Committee, and Administration Committee. The Chair also prepares agendas for these meetings, and plays a leadership role in all DPO events including but not limited to: the monthly Democratic Leader’s Call, the Oregon Summit, the Wayne Morse Gala, etc. The Chair is responsible for appointing the leadership of the DPO Standing Committees. The Chair works closely with DPO staff on all party communications and preparation for gatherings, resolutions, and legislative and campaign-related work.

The DPO Chair is a Member of the Democratic National Committee & Association of State Democratic Committees, and is responsible for attending the quarterly meetings of the ASDC and the semi-annual meetings of the DNC (the ASDC Meetings overlap with the DNC Meetings). These meetings typically require out-of-state travel during non-COVID times.

Vice Chairs

The Vice Chair(s) assumes the duties of Chair in the State Chair’s absence. The Vice Chairs also discharges the responsibilities that the SCC or its Executive Committee, or the Administration Committee assigns. 

The Vice Chair who is a different gender than the Chair is a DNC & ASDC Member and is responsible for attending the quarterly meetings of the ASDC and the semi-annual meetings of the DNC (the ASDC Meetings overlap with the DNC Meetings). These meetings typically require out-of-state travel during non-COVID times.


The Secretary of the DPO is primarily responsible for producing meeting minutes for all DPO Meetings including but not limited to the State Central Committee, the Executive Committee, the Administration Committee, and the Monthly Democratic Leader’s Call.

Candidate Information

You need to know these important deadlines:

  • February 23rd, 5pm-Deadline to submit the Candidate filing form to be listed on the printed ballot and to have a candidate statement on the DPO website.
  • February 23rd, 5pm– Online form for public submission of Candidate Questions closes. Candidate Questions will be forwarded to DPO Administration Committee for review and selection.
  • February 26th, 5pm-Candidates will receive the selected Candidate Questions and the link to submit their bio and answers to Candidate Questions. The bio will be 1000 characters or less, and you may also submit a photo and a website link if you desire.
  • February 26th, 5pm-Candidates will receive a list of all SCC Delegates and Alternates and their contact information.  SCC Members and Alternates are chosen by their County parties, Caucuses and Congressional Districts and provide the DPO with contact information.  The contact information shared with DNC Member candidates will include USPS mailing addresses and phone numbers of each Delegate and Alternate. 
  • March 4th, 11:59pm-Deadline for all responses to Candidate Questions, bios, candidate photos and weblinks. Submissions will not be accepted through email, only the webform, so please do not wait until the last minute!
  • March 5th, 5pm-All Candidate Bios and responses to Candidate Questions uploaded to DPO website.
  • March 5th, 5pm-Candidates will receive an email containing information on how to use the SCC Listserv for these elections. This will allow you to email all SCC Delegates and Alternates voting in this election.
  • March 5th, 5pm – first round of contact info updates based on County Party Reorganizations, and changes to their SCC delegation rosters
  • March 19th, 12:00pm – Deadline to submit name of who will be giving your nominating speech
  • March 20th, 12:00pm-Democratic Party of Oregon 1st Quarter 2021 State Central Committee Meeting and DPO Officer Election.