2021 Democratic Party of Oregon

Platform Convention & 4th Quarter 2021 State Central Committee Meeting

December 10th-12th, 2021

The 2021 Democratic Party of Oregon Platform Convention will be held December 10th-12th.

If you’re interested in becoming a delegate to the Platform Convention, please contact your County Party or Caucus.

Platform Convention Schedule

Subject to Change

Friday, December 10th
State Central Committee Business Meeting


Credentials will be sent to delegates on December 9th. Members of the public can sign up here to access the livestream of the meeting.

4th Quarter 2021 State Central Committee Meeting


  • Welcome
  • Credentials Report
  • Chair’s Report
  • Agenda Approval
  • Approval of Meeting Minutes
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Committee Reports
    • Budget Committee
      • Approval of the 2022-2023 DPO Budget (sent to SCC members via email)
  • Executive Directors Report
  • Adjourn 

*As no new business was submitted prior to the 72 hour deadline, there will be none on the agenda for this meeting.

This meeting will be conducted using our Special Rule of Order for SCC Meeting Rules  & our Special Rule of Order Regarding Electronic Meetings of the State Central Committee


Saturday, December 11th


Plenary Session

Election of Convention Rules and Election of Convention Officers



1st Subject Committee Breakout



2nd Subject Committee Breakout

Sunday, December 12th


Plenary Session

Approval of 2021 Democratic Party of Oregon Platform

About the 2021 Democratic Party of Oregon Platform

What Happens At the Platform Convention

At the Democratic Party of Oregon’s biennial Platform Convention we approve our Platform, which is a statement of our values, for two years. This platform is drafted in the months before the convention by the Democratic Party of Oregon’s Platform Committee, integrating feedback from Democrats across Oregon.

We also create a list of priority legislative action items which we send on to elected Democratic leaders to call for legislative action on a variety of topics.

Glossary of Terms

Delegate – Delegates are the voting members of the Convention, elected or appointed from each County in Oregon, the DPO Special Group Caucuses. Officers of the Democratic Party of Oregon and some Democratic Elected Officials (Statewide office holders, members of the Congressional delegation, and Democratic members of the Oregon legislature) are automatic delegates to the Platform Convention.

Article The DPO Platform has articles, this is how we separate the issues and values that matter to us as Democrats in our Platform. (Example: Economy & Labor)

PlankEach article is made up of “planks” which is what we call the specific values statements that make up our platform (each “plank” builds our “platform”). (Example: We believe all workers have the right to collectively bargain for fair working conditions & compensation). Planks are a maximum of 50 words.

Legislative Action Item (L.A.I) – An LAI uses specific language for actionable legislation which the DPO encourages our federal or state legislators to support. At the Platform Convention a select number of legislative action items are chosen by the Convention as “Priority LAIs” for the next two years. (Example: We call on Congress to pass the PRO Act to support workers and working families.) LAIs are a maximum of 50 words.

Subject Committee – A subject committee correlated with each Platform Article will be held on Saturday. In these meetings, Platform Convention Delegates will work to prioritize the Legislative Action Items relevant to that subject.

Important Documents

Draft 2021 Democratic Party of Oregon Platform

The deadline to submit feedback to the 2021 Platform has closed. The Platform can be amended or updated at the 2021 Platform Convention through the Petition Process.

2021 Legislative Action Items for Consideration

The deadline to add Legislative Action items to this pre-convention list has passed. Items can be added or amended during the Subject Committee Breakouts on December 11th, or by petition at the full Convention

2021 Platform Convention Rules

These Rules will be presented for approval at the 1st Plenary Session on December 11th.

Do you see a typo, a scrivener’s error, or a similar issue in these documents? Please submit those here

Delegates and Alternates can find the Delegate and Alternate Portal, which has the links to petitions, balloting, and other information here. The password to access this page has been sent to you via email.

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