The Current Business Before the State Central Committee is Ballot Measure Endorsements for Statewide Ballot Measures.
On 8/4/2020 the Platforms and Resolutions Committee (PRC) met to consider statewide ballot measures. The PRC made the following recommendations:
Ref. 402: Increases taxes on tobacco products
Recommended yes vote on Ref. 402; vote was 20-0
IP 57: Amends the Constitution regarding drawing legislative districts
Recommended no vote on IP 57; vote was 18-1
IP 44: Drug treatment and decriminalization
Recommended yes vote on IP 44; vote was 12-5
IP 34: Therapeutic use of psilocybin
Recommended yes vote on IP 34; vote was 14-3
All State Central Committee Members will receive Vote By Mail Ballots. Please note that all ballots must be physically received at the Democratic Party of Oregon office in Portland by 5pm, Friday, August 21st. Postmarks cannot be honored, and there is not an option to vote online; DPO bylaws only provide for using postal mailing option as an alternative to an in-person SCC meeting