Every 10 years, the government counts the populations of our communities to determine how much money to allocate for services and resources. Being counted directly correlates to political representation and public resources.
Right now, amid the COVID-19 crisis, the best thing you can do to make sure that you are counted while protecting your health and the safety of census workers is to fill out your census form online!
You can fill out your census form online at My2020Census.gov
Many Oregonians are members of hard-to-count communities that are often overlooked by census counts. These communities include people of color, children under five, renters, immigrants, people with limited English proficiency, multiple-family homes, Native tribal and urban communities, disabled people, and LGBTQ individuals.
If you are a member of the following communities, We Count Oregon has resources that may be helpful to you:
There are a number of organizations, non-profits, or public agencies located all across Oregon that can help people who belong to a Hard-To-Count community fill out their census online.