DPO Caucuses

Gun Owners Caucus

Democrats don’t want your guns–we’ve already got our own.

DPO Gun Owners Caucus Bylaws (PDF)

Who we are

Support for civil rights and economic justice is the bedrock of the Democratic Party. The Gun Owners Caucus (GOC-DPO) believes that gun ownership is the critical civil right which preserves the rest of our American freedoms. We enjoy the benefits of living in a free and armed society and work to live up to the responsibilities that requires.

In 2005, the DPO passed a resolution (RES 2005-008) stating that “the right to keep and bear arms [is] an individual right not granted by the government, but rather guaranteed by the government.” That means the right is inalienable. The GOC-DPO aims to expand the promise of the Democratic Party of Oregon by widening the party’s base by advertising, promoting, and defending its pro-Second Amendment platform and policies, and reaching out to all liberals who support the Constitution and its clear language.

DPO Gun Owners Caucus Officers

Chair: Michael Smith
Vice Chair: Kelie McWilliams
Treasurer: Ernie Yagger

What we do

Through our efforts, statements, members, and activities the Gun Owners Caucus:

  • Supports elected Democrats and Democratic nominees for office; volunteers on behalf of Democratic candidates
  • Publicizes the Democratic Party’s long-standing support of all Constitutional guarantees, including the Second Amendment
  • Represents the political interests and views of gun-owning Democrats in the State of Oregon
  • Protects Gun Owners’ rights by promoting a pro-Second Amendment legislative agenda
  • Acts as a forum to educate elected officials and the general public on matters affecting gun owners in Oregon
  • Persuades and helps party leaders to accurately reflect the pro-Second Amendment attitudes of the Oregon Democrats they represent
  • Provides opportunities for supporters of gun owners’ rights to seek political appointments or elected office
  • Creates a Democratic voice for the promotion of firearms education and responsibility, hunter safety, and enforcement of existing gun laws within the state
  • Helps strengthen the DPO’s grassroots appeal by reaching out to Democrats or would-be Democrats with strong pro-Second Amendment philosophies

Join today: Three qualifications for membership

The GOC-DPO’s potential for promoting our message is based on the strength of our membership. If you are eligible to join, we strongly encourage you to do so in order to make sure your voice is heard.

You are eligible to join the GOC-DPO if you can answer “yes” to the following:

  1. I agree with the stated pro-Second Amendment position of the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO): “[The DPO resolves] To recognize and support the right to keep and bear arms in Article 1 Section 27 of the Oregon State Constitution and the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America as an individual right not granted by the government, but rather guaranteed by the government.” (Resolution No. 2005-008)
  2. I am registered as a Democrat to vote in the state of Oregon.
  3. I am willing to promote public recognition of the DPO’s pro-Second Amendment Position, perform outreach to Second Amendment supporters on behalf of the DPO, and/or work for the election of Democratic candidates.

Contact Information

Gun Owner’s Caucus Michael Smith, Chair gun_caucus [at] dpo [dot] org

Learn more at gunowners.dpo.org.


Resolution 2005-008

Join the Gun Owners Caucus!